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    前) 1978-1984 ; 한양대 의과대학 해부학교실조교
    1987-1990 ; 한양대 의과대학 해부학교실 전임강사
    1990-1996 ; 한양대 의과대학 해부학교실 조교수
    1996-1998 ; 한양대 의과대학 해부학교실 부교수
    1995-1997 ; 미국 oklahoma의대 교환교수
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  • [국외저서]
    Testa, J.A., Brumback, R.A., Baik, T.K., Leech, R.W., Cannon
    T.C. : Neuropathology and memory dysfunction in neurodegenerative
    diseases. In "memory in neurodegenerative diseases" Ed.A.I.
    Tr�ster,pp36-86. Cambridge UK, Cambridge University Press, 1998

    Blocking the PI3K pathway inhibits NRG1-mediated rescue of neurotoxicity induced by Ab1-42. Tai-Kyoung Baik, Young-Jung Kim, Se-Mi Kang, Dae-Yong Song, Sun Seek Min, Ran-Sook Woo. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. In press (2016).
    Neuregulin-1 attenuates cognitive function impairments in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Ryu J, Hong BH, Kim YJ, Yang EJ, Choi M, Kim H, Ahn S, Baik TK, Woo RS, Kim HS. Cell Death Dis. 2016 Feb 25;7:e2117
    Neuregulin 1 Controls Glutamate Uptake by Up-regulating Excitatory Amino Acid Carrier 1 (EAAC1). Yu HN,Park WK,Nam KH,Song DY,Kim HS,Baik TK,Woo RS. J Biol Chem.2015Aug14;290(33):20233-44.
    Changes of gene expression of Gal3, Hsp27, Lcn2, and Timp1 in rat substantia nigra following medial forebrain bundle transection using a candidate gene microarray.ChoyYJ,HongSY,PackSJ,Woo RS, Baik TK, Song DY. J Chem Neuroanat. 2015 Jul-Sep;66-67:
    Down-regulation of microglial activity attenuates axotomized nigral dopaminergic neuronal cell loss. Song DY, Yu HN, Park CR, Lee JS, Lee JY, Park BG, Woo RS, Han JT, Cho BP, Baik TK. BMC Neurosci. 2013 Oct 4;14:112
    Neuregulin-1 exerts protective effects against neurotoxicities induced by C-terminal fragments of APP via ErbB4 receptor. Ryu J, Yu HN, Cho H, Kim HS, Baik TK, Lee SJ, WooRS. J Pharmacol Sci. 2012;119(1):73-81.
    Evidence of early involvement of apoptosis inducing factor-induced neuronal death in Alzheimer brain. Lee JH, Cheon YH, WooRS, Song DY, Moon C, Baik TK. Anat Cell Biol. 2012 Mar;45(1):26-37.
    Comparative Study of the L5 Spinal Nerve Transection Model and Sciatic Nerve Axotomy Model as a Peripheral Nerve Injury Model in Rat. Song DY, Lee JH, Yu HN, Park CR, Woo RS, Hong SY, Chenon YH, Goo HN, Bail TK. Korean J Phys Anthropol. 2012 ;25(1):11-21
    Neuregulin-1 protects against neurotoxicities induced by Swedish amyloid precursor protein via the ErbB4 receptor. WooRS, Lee JH, Kim HS, Baek CH, Song DY, Suh YH, Baik TK. Neurosicence 2012 Jan 27; 202:413-23
    ExpressionofErbB4intheneuronsofAlzheimer'sdiseasebrainandAPP/PS1mice,amodelofAlzheimer'sdisease.WooRS, Lee JH, Yu HN, Song DY, Baik TK. Anat Cell Biol. 2011 Jun;44(2):116-27
    Neuregulin-1preventsamyloidβ-inducedimpairmentoflong-termpotentiationinhippocampalslicesviaErbB4.MinSS,AnJ,LeeJH,SeolGH,ImJH,KimHS,BaikTK,WooRS. Neurosci Lett. 2011 Nov 7; 505(1):6-9.
    Roleofactivatingtranscriptionfactor3inischemicpenumbraregionfollowingtransientmiddlecerebralarteryocclusionandreperfusioninjury.SongDY,OhKM,YuHN,ParkCR,WooRS, Jung SS, Baik TK. Neurosci Res. 2011 Aug;70(4):428-34
    ExpressionofErbB4intheapoptoticneuronsofAlzheimer'sdiseasebrain.WooRS, Lee JH, Yu HN, Song DY, Baik TK. Anat Cell Biol. 2010 Dec;43(4):332-9.
    Case report of the bilateral absence of the musculocutaneous nerve combined with the unilateral brachioradial artery. Dae-Yong Song, Kyoung-Min OH, Ji-Hye Lee, Ran-SookWoo, Ha-Nul Yu, Tai-Kyoung Baik. Korean J Phys anthropol. 2009 Dec; 22(4)(2009): 177-86.
    An Immunohistochemical Study of ErbB4 Receptor in Alzheimer’s Disease Hippocampus. Ran-SookWoo, Ji-Hye Lee, Sung-Sam Jung1, Yoon-Jung Choy, Ha-Nul Yu, Kyoung-Min Oh, Dae-Yong Song, Jin Kwon, Tai-Kyoung Baik. The Korean J. Anat. 42(4), 235-244, 2009.
    Neuroprotective effect of diazoxide in animal model of focal cerebral ischemia. Young-Hee Cheon1, Byeong-Hyun Suh, A-Ram Yoon, Ji-Hye Lee, Ran-SookWoo, Dae-Yong Song, Tai-Kyoung Baik. The Korean J. Anat. 42(4), 225-234, 2009.
    Expression of Activating Transcription Factor 3 in Ischemic Penumbra Region Following Focal Cerebral Ischemia. Dae-Yong Song, Kyoung-Min OH, Ji-Hye Lee, Ran-SookWoo, Yun-Jeong Lee, Jung- Tae Han, Tai-Kyoung Baik. The Korean J. Anat. 2008 Jun 18; 41(3), 173~183, 2008.
    Y Xu, H-S Kim, Y Joo, Y Choi, K-A Chang, CH Park, K-Y Shin, S Kim, Y-H Cheon, T-K Baik, J-H Kim and Y-H Suh: Intracellular domains of amyloid precursor-like protein2 interact with CP2 transcription factor in the nucleus and induce glycogen synthase kinase-3β expression. Cell death and Differentiation, (On-line published on 28 April, 2006)
    Min Kyu Kim, Joo Hyun Park, Bum Sun Kwon et al.:Glial fibrillary acidic protein expression in the aged rat olfactory epithelium. Acta-Oto-Laryngologica, 125(8):883-887,2005 (Co-corresponding author)
    Joo Hyun Park, Bum Sun Kwon, Jung Soo Pyo, et al.: Age-related changes in microvillar cells or rat olfactory epithelium. Neurosci Letters, 378(2):65-69 APR 18 2005 (Corresponding author)
    T-K Baik, RW Leech and RA Brumback: Alzheimer's disease as a defect ofneuronal autotrophism a hypothetical ananlogy with amateur radio operation. Medical Hypothesis, 59:515-520,1998
  • 리스트
    * 교수 이메일 삭제일 : 2018.11.12(월) [관련근거 : 개인정보보호법 제2조1호(개인정보)]