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  • 서울대학교 물리학과 졸업 (‘86) 이학사
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  • Bioinformatics
    Heavy Ion Collision
  • 대표연구업적

  • Tracking fission-like processes in central collisions of 40Ar 232Th; E = 15 - 115 A MeV; J. Yee, E. Gualtieri, D. Craig, S. Hannuschke, T. Li, W.J. Llope, R. Pak, N. Stone, A.M. Vander Molen, G.D. Westfall, J.S. Winfield, S.J. Yennello, R. Lacey, A. Nadasen, E. Norbeck, Phys. Lett. B 356 (1995) 191
    A Modified Entropy-Based Approach for Identifying Gene-Gene Interactions in Case-Control Study; Jaeyong Yee, Min-Seok Kwon, Taesung Park, Mira Park, PLoS ONE 8(7) (201307) e69321
    Detecting genetic interactions for quantitative traits using m-spacing entropy measure; Jaeyong Yee, Min-Seok Kwon, Seohoon Jin, Taesung Park, Mira Park, BioMed Research International vol.2015, Article ID 523641, 10 pages, doi:10.1155/2015/523641 (201503)
    Using the generalized index of dissimilarity to detect gene-gene interactions in multi-class phenotypes; Jaeyong Yee, Yongkang Kim, Taesung Park, Mira Park, PLoS ONE 11(8) (201608) e0158668
    Significant role of gene-gene interactions of clock genes in mood disorders; Mira Park, Soon Ae Kim, Jaeyong Yee, Jieun Shin, Kyu Young Lee, Eun-Jeong Joo, Journal of Affective Disorders 257 (201907) 510-517
  • 리스트
    * 교수 이메일 삭제일 : 2018.11.12(월) [관련근거 : 개인정보보호법 제2조1호(개인정보)]