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  • 연구실적

  • Seungchul Yoo, Sil Kim, Seungmin Yoo, In-taek Hwang, haewol Cho, and Myung-Shin Lee. Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus Infection of Endothelial Progenitor Cells Impairs Angiogenic Activity in Vitro. J. of Microbiology, 2011, Vol. 49, No.2, pp299-304

    Seung-Min yoo, Ae-kyung Ahn, Taewun Seo, Hyo Bong Hong, Myung-Ae Chung, Sang-don Jung, Haewol Cho, Myung-shin Lee. Centrifugal enhancement of kaposi's sarcom-associated virus infection of human endothelial cells in vitro. J. of Virological Method, 2008, 154:160-166

    Gu-Choul Shin, Yoon-Seok Chung, In-soo Kim, Hae-Wol Cho, Chun Kang. Antigenic characterization of severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronaviruses nucleocapsid protein expressed in insect cells:The effect of phosphorylation of immunoreactivity and specificity.
    Virus Research. 2007, 127: 71-80

    Ahyoun Kim, Wooyoung Choi, Yoonseok Chung, Kisoon Kim, Youngmee Jee, Haewol Cho, Jooshil Lee. Utility of RT-PCR-based Dot-blot Hybridization for Detecting and Genotyping Echoviruses. J. Bacteriology and Virology, 2007, vol.37, No. 3, 150 - 160

    J-K Lee, MD, H-W Cho, Ph.D, D-K Oh, MD, Elimination of Measles-South Korea, 2001-2006. MMWR, CDC. 2007, April 6, Vol. 56, No. 13, 304-307.

    S.-H. Kim, S.-G. Yeo, K.-H. Park, J,-W. bang, H.-B. Kim, N.-J. Kim, Y.Jee, H. Cho, M.-D. Oh and K.-W. Choe. The persistence of humoral and cellular immunities more than three decades after smallpox vaccination. Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease, CMI, 2006. 13, 86-108.

    Gu-Choul Shin, Yoon-Seok Chung, In-Soo Kim, Hae-Wol Cho, Chun Kang, Preparation and characterization of a novel monoclonal antibody specific to severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus nucleocapsid protein. Virus research, 2006. 122, 109-118.

    Sung-Han Kim, Sang-Gu Yeo, Jae-Hyun Cho, Hong-Bin Kim, Nam-Joong Kim, Myung-don Oh, Kang-won Choe, Youngmee Jee, and Haewol Cho. Cell-Mediated Immune Responses to Smallpox vaccination. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 2006. Oct., 1172-1174.

    Sung-Han Kim, Ji-Whan Bang, Kyung-Hwa Park, Wan-Bum Park, Hong-Bin Kim, Nam-Joong Kim, Youngmee Jee, Haewol Cho, Myoung-don Oh, and Kang-Won Choe. Prediction of Residual Immunity to Smallpox, by Means of an Intradermal Skin Test with Inactivated Vaccinia Virus. J of Infect. Dis. 2006. 194, 377-84.

    Y.M. Jee, U. Go, D. Cheon, Y. Kang, J.-D. Yoon, S.-W. Lee, Y.H. Shin, K.-S. Kim, J.-K. Lee, E.-K. Jeong, B.-K. Yang, and H.W. Cho. Detection of hepatitis A virus from clotting factors implicated as a source of HAV infection among haemophilia patients in Korea. Epidemiol. Infect. 2006. 134, 87-93.

    Yoon-Tae Noh, Jung-Eun Cho, Myung-Guk Han, Na-yeon Lee, Su-Yeon Kim, Chaeshin Chu, Ho-Dong Lee, Jae-Hwan Nam, Keun-Yong Park, Young-Hack Shin, Hae Wol Cho, Hyeon-Je Song and Young-Ran Ju. Seroepidemiological Characteristics of haemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome from 1996 to 2005 in Korea. Journal of Bacteriology and Virology, 2006. Vol. 36, No.4 p.1-7

    Sung-Han Kim, Sang-Gu Yeo, Hee-Chang Jang, Wan-Beom Park, Chang-seop Lee, Ki-Deok lee, Hong-Bin Kim, Nam-Joong Kim, Young-Taek Kim, Youngmee Jee, Haewol Cho. Mypung-don Oh, and Kang-Won Choe. Clinical Responses to Smallpox Vaccine in Vaccina-Native and Previously Vaccinated Populations: Undiluted and Diluted Lancy-Vaxina Vaccine in a Single-Blind, Randomized, Prospective Trial. J of Infectious Diseases, 2005. 192, 1066-1070.

    Yoon-Young Kim, Joo-Yeon Lee, Ji-Hoon Hwang, Kyung-Ae Kim, Sung-Wook Jang, Mi-Sun Park, Woo-Joo Kim, Hae-Wol Cho, Hyung-Hwan Lee and Chun Kang. Characterization of Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase Genes and Oseltamivir Resistance of Influenza Viruses Isolated in Korea. J. of Bact. and Virl., 2005. Vol. 35, No. 2, 149-155.

    Tae-Hoon Kang, Soo-Lim chae, Woo-Young Choi, Chan Park, Jae-Whan Nam, Young-Ran Joo, Keun-Young Park, Hae-Wol Cho, In-beom Kim. Apoptotic Neuronal Death in the Mouse brain Induced by Experimental Japanese Encephalitis Virus Infection. The Korean J. Anat. 2005. 38(3), 259-264.

    Y.M. Jee, D.S. Cheon, K.S. Kim, S.H. Lee, J.D. Yoon, S.W. Lee, U.Go, B.K. Yang, M.R. Ki, B.Y. Choi and H.W. Cho. A seroprevalence study of poliovirus antibody among primary schoolchildren in Korea. Epidemiol. Infect., 2004. 132, 351-355.

    Doo-Sung Cheon, Jiwon Lee, Kangbum Lee, Sunhwa Lee, Kwisung Park, Jungbae Ahn, Youngmee Jee, Jaedeuk Yoon, Haewol Cho. Isolation and Molecular Identification of Echovirus 13 isolated from patients of Aseptic meningitis in Korea, 2002. J Med Virol., 2004. 73:439-442..

    Joo-Yeon Lee, Byoung-Kuk Na, Jee-Hee Kim, Jin-Soo Lee, Jong-Won Park, Gu-Choul Shin, Hae-Wol Cho, Ho-Dong Lee, Un-Yeong Gou, Byoung-Kuk Yang, Joon Kim, Chung Kang. Woo-Joo Kim. Regional Outbreak of Mumps due to Genotype H in Korea in 1999. J Med Virol., 2004. 73:85-90.
  • .

  • Joo-Yeon Lee, Byoung-Kuk Na, Ho-Dong Lee, Sung-Wook Chang, Kyung-Ae Kim, Jee-Hee Kim, Hae-Wol Cho, Joon Kim, and Chun Kang. Complete Nucleotide Sequence of a Mumps Virus Genotype Ⅰ Strain Isolated in Korea. Virus Genes, 2004. 28:2, 201-205.

    Youngmee Jee, Doosung Cheon, Wooyoung Choi, Jeongbae Ahn, Kisoon Kim, Yoonseok Chung, Jiwon Lee, Kangbum Lee, Hyosong Noh, Kwisung Park, Sunhwa Kim, Kyungsoon Cho, Eunsun Kim, Jaekeun Jung, Jaedeuk Yoon, Haewol Cho. Updates on Enterovirus Surveillance in Korea, Infection and Chemotherapy, 2004. Vol. 36, No.5, 294-303.

    Sang-Im Yun, Seok-Yong Kim, Woo-Youg Choi, Jae-Hwan Nam, Young-ran Ju, keun-Yong Park, Hae-Wol Cho, Young-Min Lee, Molecular characterization of the full-lengh genome of the Japanese encephalitis viral strain K87P39. Virus Research, 2003. 96, 129-140.

    Joo-Yeon Lee, Yoon-Young Kim, Gu-Choul Shin, Byoung-Kuk Na, Jin-Soo lee, Ho-dong Lee, Jee-Hee Kim, Woo-Joo Kim, Joon Kim, Chun kang, Hae-Wol Cho. Molecular characterization of two genotypes of mumps virus circulated in Korea during 1998-2001. Virus Research, 2003. 97, 111-116.

    Y.M.Jee, D.S. Cheon, K. Kim, J.H. Cho, Y.S. Chung, J.W. Lee, S.H. Lee, K.S. Park, J.H. Lee, J.D. Yoon, H.W. Cho. Genetic Analysis of the VP1 region of Human Enterovirus 71 strains isolated in Korea during 2000, Arch. Virol. 2003. 148, 1735-1746.

    Jae-Hwan Nam, Kyung-A Hwang, Cheong-Hee Yu, Tae-Hoon Kang, Jae-Yong Shin, Woo-Young Choi, In-Beom Kim, Young-Ran Joo, Hae-Wol Cho and Keun-Young Park. Expression of Interferon Inducible Genes Following Hantaan virus Infection as a Mechanism of Resistance in A549 Cells. Virus Genes, 2003. 26:1, 31-38.

    Byoung-Kuk Na, Ju-Mi Shin, Joo-Yeon Lee, Gu-Choul Shin, Yoon-Young Kim, Jin-Soo Lee, Jong-Koo Lee, Hae-Wol Cho, Hoan-Jong Lee, Paul A. Rota, Willian J. Bellini, Woo-Joo Kim, and Chun Kang. Genetic and Antigenic Characterization of Measles Viruses that Circulated in Korea during the 2000-2001 Epidemic. J. of Med. Virol., 2003. 70:649-654.

    Mary Jane Cardosa, David Perera, Betty A. Brown, Doosung Cheon, Hung Ming Chan, Kwai Peng Chan, Haewol Cho, and Peter Mcminn. Molecular Epidemiology of Human Enterovirus 71 Strains and Recent Outbreaks in the Asia-Pacific Region: Comparative Analysis of the VP1 and VP4 Genes. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2003. Vol.9, No. 4, 461-468.

    Hae-Wol Cho, Colin R. Howard, Ho-Wang Lee. Review of an Inactivated Vaccine against Hantaviruses. Intervirology, 2002. 45: 328-333.

    Kisoon Kim, Jeongkoo Park, Yoonseok Chung Doosung Cheon, Jaedeuk Yoon, Haewol Cho, Kwangho Lee. Use of internal standard RNA molecules for the RT-PCR amplification of the faeces-borne RNA viruses. J. of Virological Methods. 2002,104. 107-115

    Okjin Kim, Hong Li, Joo-Shil Lee and Hae-Wol Cho. Effect of multiple Freeze-thaw cycles of various types of specimens on the Quantitative and Qualitative analysis of Herpesvirus DNA. J. of Bact. and Virl. 2002. Vol. 32, No.3, 1-5.

    Jae-Hwan Nam, Soo-Lim Chae, and Hae-Wol Cho. Immunogenicity of a recombinant MVA and a DNA Vaccine for Japanese Encephalitis Viurs in Swine. Microbiol. Immunol., 2002. 46 (1), 23-28.

    Jae-Hwan Nam, Soo-Lim Chae, Sun-Hee Park, Yong-Seok Jeong, Myung-Soo Joo, Chil-Yong Kang and Hae-wol Cho. High level of Sequence Variation in the 3' Nondoding region of Japanese Encephalitis viruses Isolated in Korea. Virus Genes. 2002. 24:1, 21-27.

    Douglas A. Burkett, Won-Ja Lee, Kwan-Woo Lee, Heung-Chul Kim, Hee-Il Lee, Jong-Soo Lee, E-Hyun Shin, Robert A. Wirtz, Hae-Wol Cho, David M. Claborn, Russel E. Coleman, Wan Y Kim and Terry A. Klein. Late season commercial mosquito trap and host seeking activity evaluation against mosquitoes in a malarious area of the Republic of Korea. The Korea Journal of Parasitology, 2002. Vol. 40, No. 1, 45-54.

    Jae-Hwan Nam, Soo-Lim Chae, Eun-Jung Kim. Kyung-Sik Yoon, Yong-Seok Jeong, and Hae-Wol Cho. Genetic heterogeneity of Japanese encephalitis virus assessed via analysis of the full-length genome sequence of a Korean isolate. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 2001, 65(4), 388-392

    Jae-hwan Nam, Soo-Lim Chae, Sung-Yong Won, Eun-Jung Kim, Kyung-Sik Yoon, Byung-Ik Kim, Yong-Seok Jeong, and Hae-Wol Cho. Short Report: Geneticl Heterogeneity of Japanese Encephalitis Virus Assessed via Analysis of the full-Length Genome Sequence of a Korean Isolate, Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 2001. 65(4), 388-392.

    Joo-Shil Lee, Ph.D., Jeong-Gu Nam, Ph.D., Sung-Soon Kim, Ph.D., Chun Kang, M.S., Byung-Sun Choi, Ph.D., Ok-Jin Kim, Ph.D., Mi-Sun Park, Ph.D., Bong-Mo Seong, M.D., Soon-Duk Suh, Soo-Kyung Jeon, Seung-Ok Byun, Yung-Oh Shin, Ph.D. and Hea-Wol Cho, Ph.D. Distribution of HIV-1 Subtypes by Transmission Routes in Korea, Infection, 2001. Vol. 33, No. 5, 311-318.

    Jae-Hwan Nam, Soo-Lim Chae, Sun-Hee Park, Yong-Seok Jeong, Myung-Soo Joo, Chil-Yong Kang and Hae-Wol Cho. High Level of Sequence Variation in the 3' Noncoding Region of Japanese Encephalitis Viruses isolated in Korea, Virus Genes, 2001. 24:1, 21-27.

    Byoung-Kuk Na, Jin-Soo Lee, Gu-Choul Shin, Ju Mi Shin, Joo-Yeon Lee, Jae-Keun Chung, Dong-Ryong Ha, Jong-Koo Lee, Sang-Hyuk Ma, Hae-Wol Cho, Chun Kang, Woo-Joo Kim. Sequence analysis of hemagglutinin and nucleoprotein genes of measles viruses isolated in Korea during the 2000 epidemic, Virus Research, 2001. 1-7.

    Byoung-Kuk Na, Jin-Soo Lee, Gu-Choul Shin, Ju Mi Shin. Joo-Yeon Lee, Jon-Koo Lee, Hae-Wol Cho, Chun Kang, Woo-Joo Kim. Sequence analysis of hemagglutining and nucleoprotein genes of measles viruses isolated in Korea during the 2000 epidemic. Virus Research, 2001. 81; 143-149

    J.S Lee, J.G. Nam, E.Y. Kim, C. Kang, B.K. Koo and H.W. Cho. Introduction of HIV Type I subtype E virus into South Korea. AIDS Research and Human Retrovirus, 2000, 16(11), 1083-1087.

    H.W. Cho and C.R. Howard. Antibody responses in humans to an inactivated hantavirus vaccine(Hantavaxr). Vaccine, 1999, 17, 2569-2575.

    Jae-hwan nam, Linda S. Wyatt, Soo-Lim Chae, hae-Wol Cho, Young-Keun Park, Bernard Moss. Protection against lethal Japanese encephalitis virus infection of mice by immunization with the highly attenuated MVA strain of vaccinia virus expressing JEV prM and E genes. Vaccine. 1999; 17. 261-268.

    Jin-Won Song, Ki-Joon Song, Young Ju Choi, Sun Ho Kee, Hae-Wol Cho, Yong-Ju Lee, and Ho Wang Lee. Production and Characterization of Monclonal antibodies against Seoul Virus, The Journal of the Korean Society for Microbiology, 1999. Vol. 33, No. 1, 27-38.

    [저 서]
    바이러스학 대한바이러스학회 편저, 정문각 (2004)
    감염병실험실진단 질병관리본부 국립보건원 (2005)
    의학미생물학 대한미생물학회 편저 (2005)
  • 수상실적

  • 2011 .10. 14 한탄상 학술상 한탄바이러스 생명과학재단
    2005. 12. 31 근정포장 대통령
    1989. 4. 10 장관급 표창 보건사회부장관
  • 리스트